I would be lying if I told you that ANY program will guarantee you lifetime, or even long-term, sobriety. There just are no guarantees available, and if anybody tells you different, there a liar. The current statistics say the deck is stacked against us to begin with because the road to recovery is slim and for few to begin with. It’s not because recovery is not available to everyone.

sober without aa

LifeRing believes that each individual holds their own key to recovery, and it is not necessary to then place control in the hands of a spiritual being. After their first splash of surprise (or lack thereof), I had to accustom myself to my peers viewing me through the distorting lens of alcoholism. My experience has taught me that most people—even intelligent, worldly people—have bad data about alcoholism. When others learn you’re an alcoholic, you immediately become a victim of the information shrapnel they’ve passively absorbed about the disease.

Have a problem with alcohol? There is a solution.

Treatment usually lasts between ten and twenty-eight days. It has its own steps—nine of them—which the organization says can help followers to achieve balance and moderation in https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/what-is-the-life-expectancy-of-an-alcoholic/ all aspects of their lives. The organization is upfront about the fact that 30 percent of its members go on to abstinence-based programs, if moderation didn’t work for them.

Some elements of the program, including the belief in a higher power, aren’t the right fit for everyone. Though AA may be the most well-known solution for alcohol abuse, it is far from the only one. There are many alternatives to Alcoholics Anonymous, including The Sinclair Method, moderation, cognitive behavioral therapy, therapy, coaching, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). Our treatments are tailored to serve each person’s unique needs.

I stopped attending meetings because a lot of stuff I was instructed to believe became less useful the more “sober” I got.

One of the most popular forms of alcohol addiction management and recovery support is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a 12-Step program. AA has more than 2 million members worldwide in over 100,000 locally supported groups. Finally, if you find all of these options too time consuming, expensive, or fussy, you can always go it alone. This can be a lot more difficult—and even dangerous if you have a severe enough addiction. That said, there have always been people who are able to quit drinking without a group or a program. One of the challenges of getting sober with AA is about willpower.

  • While addicted to alcohol or drugs, you might have only thought about the next time you would get drunk or high.
  • They feel that while their higher power could help them, it’s still within their own will and power to change their lives.
  • As my parents pointed out to me when I was a little kid, you don’t get extra points just because, for once, you did what you were supposed to do.
  • His commitment to his colleagues and employees toward advancement and inclusiveness helps them achieve goals, builds connections, and provides a competitive advantage in the healthcare field.
  • Some aren’t comfortable with surrendering control to a higher power, or declaring themselves “powerless” over alcohol.
  • If you have a drug or alcohol problem but don’t want to go to AA, keep reading.

It’s an AA alternative that involves 17 steps instead of 12, and supports moderate drinking and harm reduction in addition to full sobriety. The good news is there are many other paths to help you moderate or manage your alcohol use, or to achieve sober without aa full sobriety. Let’s explore some of the available alternatives to AA and 12-step programs. With over 16 years of proven executive leadership and driving company growth, Mark Gold’s momentum for success isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

How To Quit Drinking Without AA

Recovery from alcohol and drug addiction can be full of ups and downs. You might stay sober for years and relapse following the sudden loss of a loved one. Other unexpected life events can cause a relapse, which might make recovery seem impossible. Sober living homes help you remain accountable to your sobriety. In early recovery, you need to give yourself time to build healthy habits. In sober living, you will be in a community of like-minded sober friends committed to helping each other.

Is it possible to stop drinking without AA?

Quitting drinking without AA

Surveys have found that about 75% of those who've recovered from drinking problems did so without the help of Alcoholics Anonymous. Many people, in fact, recover without any formal help at all.

They might have commitments at the same time or childcare responsibilities. For example, a lot of people don’t feel comfortable with the religious aspects of AA. AA isn’t explicitly religious, but it did grow out of a Christian organization called The Oxford Group. Now, let’s look a little closer at some of these effective techniques for staying sober without AA.

Get Started With Medication To Drink Less

Most addiction treatment centers recommend at least 90 days of sober living before returning home. Many people need more time to get the skills they need to continue sober life outside of a sober living program. HAMS stands for Harm Reduction, Abstinence, and Moderation Support. As the name suggests, the organization doesn’t dictate either abstinence or moderation, it simply encourages people to be safe and responsible in their attitudes to alcohol. It does this through a book, online community resources, live meetings, and its “17 elements”—recommendations that can be completed in any order, none of which is compulsory. Elements include charting your drinking behavior and learning to have fun without booze.

I worked with a sponsor and did the Steps, which gave me tons of invaluable insight into myself and my experience. I learned heaps of strategies that help me not drink. Members work together to help the alcoholic who still suffers. There are many opportunities to participate in a variety of ways.

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